Andrew Krystal, MD

Professor In Residence

Dr. Krystal is the Ray and Dagmar Dolby Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Psychiatry, Director of the Dolby Family Center for Mood Disorders, Director of the UCSF Interventional Psychiatry Program and Co-Director of the TMS & Neuromodulation Clinic. He is Board Certified in Clinical Neurophysiology by the American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and Board Certified in Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He is a pioneer in the application of computational modeling to the study of biomarker development using EEG in patients with depression and sleep disorders and application of biomarkers in treatment development clinical trials. He also has extensive experience in clinical and research personalization of therapies for the treatment of patients with mood disorders. He has been the principal investigator of more than 50 single-site and multi-site clinical trials.


Advancing precision psychiatry and targeted treatments: Insights from immunopsychiatry.

Brain, behavior, and immunity

Miller AH, Berk M, Bloch G, Briquet-Laugier V, Brouillon C, Cuthbert BN, Dantzer R, Davis MC, De Picker LJ, Drevets WC, Eyre HA, Hack LM, Harrison NA, Krystal AD, Lombardo G, Mondelli V, Pariante CM, Pulvirenti L, Salvadore G, Sforzini L, Swieboda P, Trivedi MH, Leboyer M

Therapeutic DBS for OCD Suppresses the Default Mode Network.

Human brain mapping

Slepneva N, Basich-Pease G, Reid L, Frank AC, Norbu T, Krystal AD, Sugrue LP, Motzkin JC, Larson PS, Starr PA, Morrison MA, Lee AM

Efficacy and safety of lemborexant in subjects with insomnia disorder receiving medications for depression or anxiety symptoms.

Neuropsychopharmacology reports

Krystal A, Blier P, Culpepper L, Nierenberg AA, Takaesu Y, Kubota N, Moline M, Malhotra M, Pinner K, Yardley J

Effect of daridorexant on sleep architecture in patients with chronic insomnia disorder - A pooled post hoc analysis of two randomized Phase 3 clinical studies.


Di Marco T, Djonlagic I, Dauvilliers Y, Sadeghi K, Little D, Datta AN, Hubbard J, Hajak G, Krystal A, Olivieri A, Parrino L, Puryear CB, Zammit G, Donoghue J, Scammell TE

Thalamic transcranial ultrasound stimulation in treatment resistant depression.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, Woodworth K, Murphy KR, Hinkley L, Cohen JL, Yoshimura J, Choi I, Tremblay-McGaw AG, Mergenthaler J, Good CH, Pellionisz PA, Lee AM, Di Ianni T, Sugrue LP, Krystal AD

Insomnia and the effect of zolpidem-extended-release on the sleep items of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression in outpatients with depression, insomnia, and suicidal ideation: Relationship to patient age.

Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)

McCall WV, Mercado K, Dzurny TN, McCloud LL, Krystal AD, Benca RM, Rosenquist PB, Looney SW

Therapeutic DBS for OCD Suppresses the Default Mode Network.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Slepneva N, Basich-Pease G, Reid L, Frank AC, Norbu T, Krystal AD, Sugrue LP, Motzkin JC, Larson PS, Starr PA, Morrison MA, Lee AM

Hyperarousal features in the sleep architecture of individuals with and without insomnia.

Journal of sleep research

Di Marco T, Scammell TE, Sadeghi K, Datta AN, Little D, Tjiptarto N, Djonlagic I, Olivieri A, Zammit G, Krystal A, Pathmanathan J, Donoghue J, Hubbard J, Dauvilliers Y

Feasibility and Acceptability of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Prenatal Sleep Classes for Poor Prenatal Sleep Quality: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

Behavioral sleep medicine

Felder JN, Mirchandaney R, Manber R, Cuneo J, Krystal A, Solomon N, Janette S, Zhang L, Moran P, Mashash M, Epel E, Hecht FM

Stereoelectroencephalography Electrode Implantation for Inpatient Workup of Treatment-Resistant Depression.


Starkweather CK, Sugrue LP, Cajigas I, Speidel B, Krystal AD, Scangos K, Chang EF

Association of Biomarkers of Neuronal Injury and Inflammation With Insomnia Trajectories After Traumatic Brain Injury: A TRACK-TBI Study.


Werner JK, Albrecht J, Capaldi VF, Jain S, Sun X, Mukherjee P, Williams SG, Collen J, Diaz-Arrastia R, Manley GT, Krystal AD, Wickwire E, TRACK-TBI Investigators

Sleep Physiology and Neurocognition Among Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Lunsford-Avery JR, Carskadon MA, Kollins SH, Krystal AD

Human Anterior Insular Cortex Encodes Multiple Electrophysiological Representations of Anxiety-Related Behaviors.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Lee AM, Sturm VE, Dawes H, Krystal AD, Chang EF

Proceedings of the 11th Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: pushing the forefront of neuromodulation with functional network mapping, biomarkers for adaptive DBS, bioethical dilemmas, AI-guided neuromodulation, and translational advancements.

Frontiers in human neuroscience

Johnson KA, Dosenbach NUF, Gordon EM, Welle CG, Wilkins KB, Bronte-Stewart HM, Voon V, Morishita T, Sakai Y, Merner AR, Lázaro-Muñoz G, Williamson T, Horn A, Gilron R, O'Keeffe J, Gittis AH, Neumann WJ, Little S, Provenza NR, Sheth SA, Fasano A, Holt-Becker AB, Raike RS, Moore L, Pathak YJ, Greene D, Marceglia S, Krinke L, Tan H, Bergman H, Pötter-Nerger M, Sun B, Cabrera LY, McIntyre CC, Harel N, Mayberg HS, Krystal AD, Pouratian N, Starr PA, Foote KD, Okun MS, Wong JK

Intracranial beta activity is a biomarker of circadian and stimulation-induced arousal in obsessive compulsive disorder.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, De B, Frank AC, Basich-Pease G, Norbu T, Morrison MA, Larson P, Starr PA, Krystal AD, Lee AM

Effect of Psychological and Medication Therapies for Insomnia on Daytime Functions: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA network open

Morin CM, Chen SJ, Ivers H, Beaulieu-Bonneau S, Krystal AD, Guay B, Bélanger L, Cartwright A, Simmons B, Lamy M, Busby M, Edinger JD

Cortical Synchrony and Information Flow during Transition from Wakefulness to Light Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Fan JM, Kudo K, Verma P, Ranasinghe KG, Morise H, Findlay AM, Vossel K, Kirsch HE, Raj A, Krystal AD, Nagarajan SS

Comparative short-term safety and efficacy of hypnotics: A quantitative risk-benefit analysis.

Journal of sleep research

Cheung JMY, Scott H, Muench A, Grunstein RR, Krystal AD, Riemann D, Perlis M

Association Between Insomnia and Mental Health and Neurocognitive Outcomes Following Traumatic Brain Injury.

Journal of neurotrauma

Wickwire EM, Albrecht JS, Capaldi VF, Jain S, Gardner RC, Smith MT, Williams SG, Collen J, Schnyer DM, Giacino JT, Nelson LD, Mukherjee P, Sun X, Werner JK, Mosti CB, Markowitz AJ, Manley GT, Krystal AD

Using latent profile analyses to classify subjects with anhedonia based on reward-related measures obtained in the FAST-MAS study.

Journal of affective disorders

Darrow SM, Pizzagalli DA, Smoski M, Mathew SJ, Nurnberger J, Lisanby SH, Iosifescu D, Murrough JW, Yang H, Weiner RD, Sanacora G, Keefe RSE, Song A, Goodman W, Whitton AE, Potter WZ, Krystal AD

Closed-Loop Neurostimulation for Biomarker-Driven, Personalized Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder.

Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE

Sellers KK, Khambhati AN, Stapper N, Fan JM, Rao VR, Scangos KW, Chang EF, Krystal AD

Intracranial electrical stimulation of corticolimbic sites modulates arousal in humans.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, Lee AM, Sellers KK, Woodworth K, Makhoul GS, Liu TX, Henderson C, Astudillo Maya DA, Martinez R, Zamanian H, Speidel BA, Khambhati AN, Rao VR, Sugrue LP, Scangos KW, Chang EF, Krystal AD

Closed-loop neurostimulation for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Sellers KK, Cohen JL, Khambhati AN, Fan JM, Lee AM, Chang EF, Krystal AD

Objective sleep duration and response to combined pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral insomnia therapy among patients with comorbid depression and insomnia: a report from the TRIAD study.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Edinger JD, Smith ED, Buysse DJ, Thase M, Krystal AD, Wiskniewski S, Manber R

Do Insomnia Treatments Improve Daytime Function?

Journal of clinical medicine

Watson NF, Bertisch SM, Morin CM, Pelayo R, Winkelman JW, Zee PC, Krystal AD

Should Trazodone Be First-Line Therapy for Insomnia? A Clinical Suitability Appraisal.

Journal of clinical medicine

Pelayo R, Bertisch SM, Morin CM, Winkelman JW, Zee PC, Krystal AD

International Consensus Statement on Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

International forum of allergy & rhinology

Chang JL, Goldberg AN, Alt JA, Mohammed A, Ashbrook L, Auckley D, Ayappa I, Bakhtiar H, Barrera JE, Bartley BL, Billings ME, Boon MS, Bosschieter P, Braverman I, Brodie K, Cabrera-Muffly C, Caesar R, Cahali MB, Cai Y, Cao M, Capasso R, Caples SM, Chahine LM, Chang CP, Chang KW, Chaudhary N, Cheong CSJ, Chowdhuri S, Cistulli PA, Claman D, Collen J, Coughlin KC, Creamer J, Davis EM, Dupuy-McCauley KL, Durr ML, Dutt M, Ali ME, Elkassabany NM, Epstein LJ, Fiala JA, Freedman N, Gill K, Gillespie MB, Golisch L, Gooneratne N, Gottlieb DJ, Green KK, Gulati A, Gurubhagavatula I, Hayward N, Hoff PT, Hoffmann OMG, Holfinger SJ, Hsia J, Huntley C, Huoh KC, Huyett P, Inala S, Ishman SL, Jella TK, Jobanputra AM, Johnson AP, Junna MR, Kado JT, Kaffenberger TM, Kapur VK, Kezirian EJ, Khan M, Kirsch DB, Kominsky A, Kryger M, Krystal AD, Kushida CA, Kuzniar TJ, Lam DJ, Lettieri CJ, Lim DC, Lin HC, Liu SYC, MacKay SG, Magalang UJ, Malhotra A, Mansukhani MP, Maurer JT, May AM, Mitchell RB, Mokhlesi B, Mullins AE, Nada EM, Naik S, Nokes B, Olson MD, Pack AI, Pang EB, Pang KP, Patil SP, Van de Perck E, Piccirillo JF, Pien GW, Piper AJ, Plawecki A, Quigg M, Ravesloot MJL, Redline S, Rotenberg BW, Ryden A, Sarmiento KF, Sbeih F, Schell AE, Schmickl CN, Schotland HM, Schwab RJ, Seo J, Shah N, Shelgikar AV, Shochat I, Soose RJ, Steele TO, Stephens E, Stepnowsky C, Strohl KP, Sutherland K, Suurna MV, Thaler E, Thapa S, Vanderveken OM, de Vries N, Weaver EM, Weir ID, Wolfe LF, Woodson BT, Won CHJ, Xu J, Yalamanchi P, Yaremchuk K, Yeghiazarians Y, Yu JL, Zeidler M, Rosen IM

Alliance for Sleep Clinical Practice Guideline on Switching or Deprescribing Hypnotic Medications for Insomnia.

Journal of clinical medicine

Watson NF, Benca RM, Krystal AD, McCall WV, Neubauer DN

Wake Up America: National Survey of Patients' and Physicians' Views and Attitudes on Insomnia Care.

Journal of clinical medicine

Benca RM, Bertisch SM, Ahuja A, Mandelbaum R, Krystal AD

What Should Be the Focus of Treatment When Insomnia Disorder Is Comorbid with Depression or Anxiety Disorder?

Journal of clinical medicine

Morin CM, Bertisch SM, Pelayo R, Watson NF, Winkelman JW, Zee PC, Krystal AD

Long-Term Use of Insomnia Medications: An Appraisal of the Current Clinical and Scientific Evidence.

Journal of clinical medicine

Zee PC, Bertisch SM, Morin CM, Pelayo R, Watson NF, Winkelman JW, Krystal AD

Epileptiform discharges triggered with direct electrical stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: Factors that modulate risk and treatment considerations.

Brain stimulation

Fan JM, Khambhati AN, Sellers KK, Stapper N, Maya DA, Kunwar E, Henderson C, Sugrue LP, Scangos KW, Chang EF, Rao VR, Krystal AD

Changes in intracranial neurophysiology associated with acute COVID-19 infection.

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Sellers KK, Stapper N, Astudillo Maya DA, Henderson C, Khambhati AN, Fan JM, Rao VR, Scangos KW, Chang EF, Krystal AD

Recognition and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Psychiatric Practice.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Benca RM, Krystal A, Chepke C, Doghramji K

Longitudinal study to assess antidepressant treatment patterns and outcomes in individuals with depression in the general population.

Journal of affective disorders

Ohayon MM, McCue M, Krystal A, Selzler KJ, Chrones L, Lawrence D, Côté ML

Effect of brexanolone on depressive symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia in women with postpartum depression: Pooled analyses from 3 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials in the HUMMINGBIRD clinical program.

Journal of affective disorders

Epperson CN, Rubinow DR, Meltzer-Brody S, Deligiannidis KM, Riesenberg R, Krystal AD, Bankole K, Huang MY, Li H, Brown C, Kanes SJ, Lasser R

Solriamfetol treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness in participants with narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea with a history of depression.

Journal of psychiatric research

Krystal AD, Benca RM, Rosenberg R, Schweitzer PK, Malhotra A, Babson K, Lee L, Bujanover S, Strohl KP

Examining Experiences of Poor Sleep During Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study to Inform the Development of a Prenatal Sleep Intervention.

Global advances in health and medicine

Felder JN, Mirchandaney R, Harrison J, Manber R, Cuneo J, Krystal A, Epel E, Hecht F

Links between the brain and body during sleep: implications for memory processing.

Trends in neurosciences

Whitehurst LN, Subramoniam A, Krystal A, Prather AA

Trajectories of Insomnia in Adults After Traumatic Brain Injury.

JAMA network open

Wickwire EM, Albrecht JS, Capaldi VF, Jain SO, Gardner RC, Werner JK, Mukherjee P, McKeon AB, Smith MT, Giacino JT, Nelson LD, Williams SG, Collen J, Sun X, Schnyer DM, Markowitz AJ, Manley GT, Krystal AD, Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) Investigators

What Is Insomnia?


Krystal AD, Ashbrook LH, Prather AA

A Delphi-method-based consensus guideline for definition of treatment-resistant depression for clinical trials.

Molecular psychiatry

Sforzini L, Worrell C, Kose M, Anderson IM, Aouizerate B, Arolt V, Bauer M, Baune BT, Blier P, Cleare AJ, Cowen PJ, Dinan TG, Fagiolini A, Ferrier IN, Hegerl U, Krystal AD, Leboyer M, McAllister-Williams RH, McIntyre RS, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Miller AH, Nemeroff CB, Normann C, Nutt D, Pallanti S, Pani L, Penninx BWJH, Schatzberg AF, Shelton RC, Yatham LN, Young AH, Zahn R, Aislaitner G, Butlen-Ducuing F, Fletcher C, Haberkamp M, Laughren T, Mäntylä FL, Schruers K, Thomson A, Arteaga-Henríquez G, Benedetti F, Cash-Gibson L, Chae WR, De Smedt H, Gold SM, Hoogendijk WJG, Mondragón VJ, Maron E, Martynowicz J, Melloni E, Otte C, Perez-Fuentes G, Poletti S, Schmidt ME, van de Ketterij E, Woo K, Flossbach Y, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Savitz AJ, Pariante CM

Correction to: Selective kappa-opioid antagonism ameliorates anhedonic behavior: evidence from the Fast-fail Trial in Mood and Anxiety Spectrum Disorders (FAST-MAS).

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Pizzagalli DA, Smoski M, Ang YS, Whitton AE, Sanacora G, Mathew SJ, Nurnberger J, Lisanby SH, Iosifescu DV, Murrough JW, Yang H, Weiner RD, Calabrese JR, Goodman W, Potter WZ, Krystal AD

Distributed Subnetworks of Depression Defined by Direct Intracranial Neurophysiology.

Frontiers in human neuroscience

Scangos KW, Khambhati AN, Daly PM, Owen LW, Manning JR, Ambrose JB, Austin E, Dawes HE, Krystal AD, Chang EF

Closed-loop neuromodulation in an individual with treatment-resistant depression.

Nature medicine

Scangos KW, Khambhati AN, Daly PM, Makhoul GS, Sugrue LP, Zamanian H, Liu TX, Rao VR, Sellers KK, Dawes HE, Starr PA, Krystal AD, Chang EF

Diagnosing and Treating Insomnia in Adults and Older Adults.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Rosenberg RP, Krystal AD

Design of the National Adaptive Trial for PTSD-related Insomnia (NAP Study), VA Cooperative Study Program (CSP) #2016.

Contemporary clinical trials

Krystal JH, Chow B, Vessicchio J, Henrie AM, Neylan TC, Krystal AD, Marx BP, Xu K, Jindal RD, Davis LL, Schnurr PP, Stein MB, Thase ME, Ventura B, Huang GD, Shih MC, CSP 2016 Study Team

Optimizing Treatment for Insomnia.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD

Examining suicide assessment measures for research use: Using item response theory to optimize psychometric assessment for research on suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder.

Suicide & life-threatening behavior

McCall WV, Porter B, Pate AR, Bolstad CJ, Drapeau CW, Krystal AD, Benca RM, Rumble ME, Nadorff MR

Association of Sleep and β-Amyloid Pathology Among Older Cognitively Unimpaired Adults.

JAMA network open

Insel PS, Mohlenhoff BS, Neylan TC, Krystal AD, Mackin RS

Challenges in Managing Insomnia in Older People.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD

Evaluating lemborexant for the treatment of insomnia.

Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy

Zammit G, Krystal A

State-dependent responses to intracranial brain stimulation in a patient with depression.

Nature medicine

Scangos KW, Makhoul GS, Sugrue LP, Chang EF, Krystal AD

Correction to: Content validity of a sleep numerical rating scale and a sleep diary in adults and adolescents with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.

Journal of patient-reported outcomes

Dias-Barbosa C, Matos R, Vernon M, Carney CE, Krystal A, Puelles J

Optimizing computation of overnight decline in delta power: Evidence for slower rate of decline in delta power in insomnia patients.

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Lunsford-Avery JR, Edinger JD, Krystal AD

Content validity of a sleep numerical rating scale and a sleep diary in adults and adolescents with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.

Journal of patient-reported outcomes

Dias-Barbosa C, Matos R, Vernon M, Carney CE, Krystal A, Puelles J

Effectiveness of Sequential Psychological and Medication Therapies for Insomnia Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA psychiatry

Morin CM, Edinger JD, Beaulieu-Bonneau S, Ivers H, Krystal AD, Guay B, Bélanger L, Cartwright A, Simmons B, Lamy M, Busby M

Mutations in Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 Contribute to Natural Short Sleep Trait.

Current biology : CB

Shi G, Yin C, Fan Z, Xing L, Mostovoy Y, Kwok PY, Ashbrook LH, Krystal AD, Ptácek LJ, Fu YH

Feasibility and Acceptability of Wearable Sleep Electroencephalogram Device Use in Adolescents: Observational Study.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Lunsford-Avery JR, Keller C, Kollins SH, Krystal AD, Jackson L, Engelhard MM

Blinding and bias in a hypnotic clinical trial.

Human psychopharmacology

McCall WV, Benca RM, Rumble ME, Krystal AD

An exploratory analysis of the association of circadian rhythm dysregulation and insomnia with suicidal ideation over the course of treatment in individuals with depression, insomnia, and suicidal ideation.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Rumble ME, McCall WV, Dickson DA, Krystal AD, Rosenquist PB, Benca RM

Omitted Conflict of Interest Disclosures.

JAMA psychiatry

Krystal AD

Selective kappa-opioid antagonism ameliorates anhedonic behavior: evidence from the Fast-fail Trial in Mood and Anxiety Spectrum Disorders (FAST-MAS).

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Pizzagalli DA, Smoski M, Ang YS, Whitton AE, Sanacora G, Mathew SJ, Nurnberger J, Lisanby SH, Iosifescu DV, Murrough JW, Yang H, Weiner RD, Calabrese JR, Goodman W, Potter WZ, Krystal AD

Is cellular energy monitoring more responsive to hypoxia than pulse oximetry?

Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung

Hatch GM, Ashbrook L, Prather AA, Krystal AD

A randomized proof-of-mechanism trial applying the 'fast-fail' approach to evaluating κ-opioid antagonism as a treatment for anhedonia.

Nature medicine

Krystal AD, Pizzagalli DA, Smoski M, Mathew SJ, Nurnberger J, Lisanby SH, Iosifescu D, Murrough JW, Yang H, Weiner RD, Calabrese JR, Sanacora G, Hermes G, Keefe RSE, Song A, Goodman W, Szabo ST, Whitton AE, Gao K, Potter WZ

The assessment and management of insomnia: an update.

World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)

Krystal AD, Prather AA, Ashbrook LH

Reducing Suicidal Ideation Through Insomnia Treatment (REST-IT): A Randomized Clinical Trial.

The American journal of psychiatry

McCall WV, Benca RM, Rosenquist PB, Youssef NA, McCloud L, Newman JC, Case D, Rumble ME, Szabo ST, Phillips M, Krystal AD

A Rare Mutation of β1-Adrenergic Receptor Affects Sleep/Wake Behaviors.


Shi G, Xing L, Wu D, Bhattacharyya BJ, Jones CR, McMahon T, Chong SYC, Chen JA, Coppola G, Geschwind D, Krystal A, Ptácek LJ, Fu YH

Genetics of the human circadian clock and sleep homeostat.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Ashbrook LH, Krystal AD, Fu YH, Ptácek LJ

Pilot Study of An Intracranial Electroencephalography Biomarker of Depressive Symptoms in Epilepsy.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Scangos KW, Ahmad HS, Shafi A, Sellers KK, Dawes HE, Krystal A, Chang EF

Sleep therapeutics and neuropsychiatric illness.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Krystal AD

British Association for Psychopharmacology consensus statement on evidence-based treatment of insomnia, parasomnias and circadian rhythm disorders: An update.

Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)

Wilson S, Anderson K, Baldwin D, Dijk DJ, Espie A, Espie C, Gringras P, Krystal A, Nutt D, Selsick H, Sharpley A

Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in suicidal patients with major depressive disorder.

Journal of psychiatric research

McCall WV, Benca RM, Rumble ME, Case D, Rosenquist PB, Krystal AD

Sleep Pharmacogenetics: The Promise of Precision Medicine.

Sleep medicine clinics

Krystal AD, Prather AA

An Electrophysiological Biomarker That May Predict Treatment Response to ECT.

The journal of ECT

Scangos KW, Weiner RD, Coffey EC, Krystal AD

Circadian Preference as a Moderator of Depression Outcome Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Plus Antidepressant Medications: A Report From the TRIAD Study.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Asarnow LD, Bei B, Krystal A, Buysse DJ, Thase ME, Edinger JD, Manber R

Long-Term Trazodone Use and Cognition: A Potential Therapeutic Role for Slow-Wave Sleep Enhancers.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

La AL, Walsh CM, Neylan TC, Vossel KA, Yaffe K, Krystal AD, Miller BL, Karageorgiou E

The first implementation of the NIMH FAST-FAIL approach to psychiatric drug development.

Nature reviews. Drug discovery

Krystal AD, Pizzagalli DA, Mathew SJ, Sanacora G, Keefe R, Song A, Calabrese J, Goddard A, Goodman W, Lisanby SH, Smoski M, Weiner R, Iosifescu D, Nurnberger J, Szabo S, Murrough J, Shekhar A, Potter W

Effect of γ-hydroxybutyrate (Xyrem) on locus coeruleus activity as measured by pupillometry in a patient with narcolepsy.

International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics

Szabo ST, Kandra K, Krystal AD

Screening extremely obese pregnant women for obstructive sleep apnea.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dominguez JE, Grotegut CA, Cooter M, Krystal AD, Habib AS

Longitudinal study of narcolepsy symptoms in first, second, and third-degree relatives of simplex and multiplex narcolepsy families.

Sleep medicine

Ohayon MM, Black J, Krystal AD, Shapiro CM, Swick TJ, Bogan R, Wells CC

An Ultra-miniaturized Near Infrared Spectroscopy System to Assess Sleep Apnea in Children with Down Syndrome.

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference

Beppler EC, Dieffenderfer J, Songkakul T, Krystal A, Bozkurt A

Treating insomnia in depression: Insomnia related factors predict long-term depression trajectories.

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

Bei B, Asarnow LD, Krystal A, Edinger JD, Buysse DJ, Manber R

Consensus Recommendations for the Clinical Application of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in the Treatment of Depression.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

McClintock SM, Reti IM, Carpenter LL, McDonald WM, Dubin M, Taylor SF, Cook IA, O'Reardon J, Husain MM, Wall C, Krystal AD, Sampson SM, Morales O, Nelson BG, Latoussakis V, George MS, Lisanby SH, National Network of Depression Centers rTMS Task Group, American Psychiatric Association Council on Research Task Force on Novel Biomarkers and Treatments

Dr McClintock and Colleagues Reply.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

McClintock SM, Reti IM, Carpenter LL, McDonald WM, Dubin M, Taylor SF, Cook IA, O'Reardon J, Husain MM, Wall C, Krystal A, Sampson S, Morales O, Nelson BG, George MS, Lisanby SH

The relationship of person-specific eveningness chronotype, greater seasonality, and less rhythmicity to suicidal behavior: A literature review.

Journal of affective disorders

Rumble ME, Dickson D, McCall WV, Krystal AD, Case D, Rosenquist PB, Benca RM

Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial of the Orexin Receptor Antagonist Filorexant (MK-6096) in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.

The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology

Connor KM, Ceesay P, Hutzelmann J, Snavely D, Krystal AD, Trivedi MH, Thase M, Lines C, Herring WJ, Michelson D

Adverse Effects of Hypnotic Medications.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Sateia MJ, Buysse DJ, Krystal AD, Neubauer DN

Pilot prospective study of post-surgery sleep and EEG predictors of post-operative delirium.

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Evans JL, Nadler JW, Preud'homme XA, Fang E, Daughtry RL, Chapman JB, Attarian D, Wellman S, Krystal AD

Cognitive Behavioral Insomnia Therapy for Those With Insomnia and Depression: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.


Carney CE, Edinger JD, Kuchibhatla M, Lachowski AM, Bogouslavsky O, Krystal AD, Shapiro CM

Suvorexant in Elderly Patients with Insomnia: Pooled Analyses of Data from Phase III Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Herring WJ, Connor KM, Snyder E, Snavely DB, Zhang Y, Hutzelmann J, Matzura-Wolfe D, Benca RM, Krystal AD, Walsh JK, Lines C, Roth T, Michelson D

Clinical profile of suvorexant for the treatment of insomnia over 3 months in women and men: subgroup analysis of pooled phase-3 data.


Herring WJ, Connor KM, Snyder E, Snavely DB, Zhang Y, Hutzelmann J, Matzura-Wolfe D, Benca RM, Krystal AD, Walsh JK, Lines C, Roth T, Michelson D

Are Patients with Childhood Onset of Insomnia and Depression More Difficult to Treat Than Are Those with Adult Onsets of These Disorders? A Report from the TRIAD Study.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Edinger JD, Manber R, Buysse DJ, Krystal AD, Thase ME, Gehrman P, Fairholme CP, Luther J, Wisniewski S

Clinical Practice Guideline for the Pharmacologic Treatment of Chronic Insomnia in Adults: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Sateia MJ, Buysse DJ, Krystal AD, Neubauer DN, Heald JL

Segmented sleep in a nonelectric, small-scale agricultural society in Madagascar.

American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council

Samson DR, Manus MB, Krystal AD, Fakir E, Yu JJ, Nunn CL

National Sleep Foundation's sleep quality recommendations: first report.

Sleep health

Ohayon M, Wickwire EM, Hirshkowitz M, Albert SM, Avidan A, Daly FJ, Dauvilliers Y, Ferri R, Fung C, Gozal D, Hazen N, Krystal A, Lichstein K, Mallampalli M, Plazzi G, Rawding R, Scheer FA, Somers V, Vitiello MV

Sleep and Mood: Chicken or Egg?

Biological psychiatry

Ptáoek LJ, Fu YH, Krystal AD

Sleep disturbances in adolescents with ADHD: A systematic review and framework for future research.

Clinical psychology review

Lunsford-Avery JR, Krystal AD, Kollins SH

Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Combined With Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy in Patients With Comorbid Depression and Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Manber R, Buysse DJ, Edinger J, Krystal A, Luther JF, Wisniewski SR, Trockel M, Kraemer HC, Thase ME

Adjunctive 5-Hydroxytryptophan Slow-Release for Treatment-Resistant Depression: Clinical and Preclinical Rationale.

Trends in pharmacological sciences

Jacobsen JPR, Krystal AD, Krishnan KRR, Caron MG

Suvorexant in Patients with Insomnia: Pooled Analyses of Three-Month Data from Phase-3 Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Herring WJ, Connor KM, Snyder E, Snavely DB, Zhang Y, Hutzelmann J, Matzura-Wolfe D, Benca RM, Krystal AD, Walsh JK, Lines C, Roth T, Michelson D

Hypnotic Medications and Suicide: Risk, Mechanisms, Mitigation, and the FDA.

The American journal of psychiatry

McCall WV, Benca RM, Rosenquist PB, Riley MA, McCloud L, Newman JC, Case D, Rumble M, Krystal AD

Hibernation in a primate: does sleep occur?

Royal Society open science

Blanco MB, Dausmann KH, Faherty SL, Klopfer P, Krystal AD, Schopler R, Yoder AD

Shining evolutionary light on human sleep and sleep disorders.

Evolution, medicine, and public health

Nunn CL, Samson DR, Krystal AD

Constance E. Lieber, Theodore R. Stanley, and the Enduring Impact of Philanthropy on Psychiatry Research.

Biological psychiatry

Krystal JH, Abi-Dargham A, Akbarian S, Arnsten AFT, Barch DM, Bearden CE, Braff DL, Brown ES, Bullmore ET, Carlezon WA, Carter CS, Cook EH, Daskalakis ZJ, DiLeone RJ, Duman RS, Grace AA, Hariri AR, Harrison PJ, Hiroi N, Kenny PJ, Kleinman JE, Krystal AD, Lewis DA, Lipska BK, Marder SR, Mason GF, Mathalon DH, McClung CA, McDougle CJ, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, Mirnics K, Monteggia LM, Narendran R, Nestler EJ, Neumeister A, O'Donovan MC, Öngür D, Pariante CM, Paulus MP, Pearlson G, Phillips ML, Pine DS, Pizzagalli DA, Pletnikov MV, Ragland JD, Rapoport JL, Ressler KJ, Russo SJ, Sanacora G, Sawa A, Schatzberg AF, Shaham Y, Shamay-Tsoory SG, Sklar P, State MW, Stein MB, Strakowski SM, Taylor SF, Turecki G, Turetsky BI, Weissman MM, Zachariou V, Zarate CA, Zubieta JK

Recognizing and managing insomnia in primary care and specialty settings.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD, Sorscher AJ

Sleep disturbance in chronic military-related PTSD: clinical impact and response to adjunctive risperidone in the Veterans Affairs cooperative study #504.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal JH, Pietrzak RH, Rosenheck RA, Cramer JA, Vessicchio J, Jones KM, Huang GD, Vertrees JE, Collins J, Krystal AD, Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study #504 Group

Insomnia disorder.

Nature reviews. Disease primers

Morin CM, Drake CL, Harvey AG, Krystal AD, Manber R, Riemann D, Spiegelhalder K

Current, emerging, and newly available insomnia medications.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD

Restricting Benzodiazepines to Short-Term Prescription.

JAMA psychiatry

Krystal JH, Stossel S, Krystal AD

Efficacy and Safety of Low-field Synchronized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (sTMS) for Treatment of Major Depression.

Brain stimulation

Leuchter AF, Cook IA, Feifel D, Goethe JW, Husain M, Carpenter LL, Thase ME, Krystal AD, Philip NS, Bhati MT, Burke WJ, Howland RH, Sheline YI, Aaronson ST, Iosifescu DV, O'Reardon JP, Gilmer WS, Jain R, Burgoyne KS, Phillips B, Manberg PJ, Massaro J, Hunter AM, Lisanby SH, George MS

Individualized Low-Amplitude Seizure Therapy: Minimizing Current for Electroconvulsive Therapy and Magnetic Seizure Therapy.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Peterchev AV, Krystal AD, Rosa MA, Lisanby SH

A multi-site randomized clinical trial to reduce suicidal ideation in suicidal adult outpatients with Major Depressive Disorder: Development of a methodology to enhance safety.

Clinical trials (London, England)

McCall WV, Benca RM, Rosenquist PB, Riley MA, Hodges C, Gubosh B, McCloud L, Newman JC, Case D, Rumble M, Mayo M, White KH, Phillips M, Krystal AD

Traumatic brain injury detection using electrophysiological methods.

Frontiers in human neuroscience

Rapp PE, Keyser DO, Albano A, Hernandez R, Gibson DB, Zambon RA, Hairston WD, Hughes JD, Krystal A, Nichols AS

The impact of eszopiclone on sleep and cognition in patients with schizophrenia and insomnia: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

Schizophrenia research

Tek C, Palmese LB, Krystal AD, Srihari VH, DeGeorge PC, Reutenauer EL, Guloksuz S

Suvorexant in Patients With Insomnia: Results From Two 3-Month Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials.

Biological psychiatry

Herring WJ, Connor KM, Ivgy-May N, Snyder E, Liu K, Snavely DB, Krystal AD, Walsh JK, Benca RM, Rosenberg R, Sangal RB, Budd K, Hutzelmann J, Leibensperger H, Froman S, Lines C, Roth T, Michelson D

Methodological approaches and magnitude of the clinical unmet need associated with amotivation in mood disorders.

Journal of affective disorders

Calabrese JR, Fava M, Garibaldi G, Grunze H, Krystal AD, Laughren T, Macfadden W, Marin R, Nierenberg AA, Tohen M

Multifactorial determinants of the neurocognitive effects of electroconvulsive therapy.

The journal of ECT

McClintock SM, Choi J, Deng ZD, Appelbaum LG, Krystal AD, Lisanby SH

Safety and efficacy of suvorexant during 1-year treatment of insomnia with subsequent abrupt treatment discontinuation: a phase 3 randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

The Lancet. Neurology

Michelson D, Snyder E, Paradis E, Chengan-Liu M, Snavely DB, Hutzelmann J, Walsh JK, Krystal AD, Benca RM, Cohn M, Lines C, Roth T, Herring WJ

Effect of armodafinil on cortical activity and working memory in patients with residual excessive sleepiness associated with CPAP-Treated OSA: a multicenter fMRI study.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Greve DN, Duntley SP, Larson-Prior L, Krystal AD, Diaz MT, Drummond SP, Thein SG, Kushida CA, Yang R, Thomas RJ

Insomnia in HIV-infected patients: pathophysiologic implications.

AIDS reviews

Low Y, Goforth H, Preud'homme X, Edinger J, Krystal A

The sleep effects of tiagabine on the first night of treatment predict post-traumatic stress disorder response at three weeks.

Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)

Krystal AD, Zhang W, Davidson JR, Connor KM

Therapeutic approaches for shankopathies.

Developmental neurobiology

Wang X, Bey AL, Chung L, Krystal AD, Jiang YH

The relationship of sleep with temperature and metabolic rate in a hibernating primate.

PloS one

Krystal AD, Schopler B, Kobbe S, Williams C, Rakatondrainibe H, Yoder AD, Klopfer P

Obstructive sleep apnea and delirium: exploring possible mechanisms.

Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung

Mirrakhimov AE, Brewbaker CL, Krystal AD, Kwatra MM

Understanding the sleep-wake cycle: sleep, insomnia, and the orexin system.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD, Benca RM, Kilduff TS

Psychiatric disorders and sleep.

Neurologic clinics

Krystal AD

Comparison of diary-derived bladder and sleep measurements across OAB individuals, primary insomniacs, and healthy controls.

International urogynecology journal

Preud'homme XA, Amundsen CL, Webster GD, Krystal AD

Shift work disorder case studies: applying management principles in clinical practice.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD, Roth T, Simon RD

Eszopiclone treatment for insomnia: effect size comparisons in patients with primary insomnia and insomnia with medical and psychiatric comorbidity.

The primary care companion for CNS disorders

Krystal AD, McCall WV, Fava M, Joffe H, Soares CN, Huang H, Grinell T, Zummo J, Spalding W, Marshall R

Comparison of polysomnographic data in age-, sex- and Axis I psychiatric diagnosis matched HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative insomnia patients.

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Low Y, Goforth HW, Omonuwa T, Preud'homme X, Edinger J, Krystal A

Prevalence and comorbidity of nocturnal wandering in the U.S. adult general population.


Ohayon MM, Mahowald MW, Dauvilliers Y, Krystal AD, Léger D

Obstructive sleep apnea and incidence of postoperative delirium after elective knee replacement in the nondemented elderly.


Flink BJ, Rivelli SK, Cox EA, White WD, Falcone G, Vail TP, Young CC, Bolognesi MP, Krystal AD, Trzepacz PT, Moon RE, Kwatra MM

A WASO sub-group analysis of a 6-month study of eszopiclone 3 mg.

Sleep medicine

Krystal AD, Huang H, Zummo J, Grinnell T, Marshall RD

The consensus sleep diary: standardizing prospective sleep self-monitoring.


Carney CE, Buysse DJ, Ancoli-Israel S, Edinger JD, Krystal AD, Lichstein KL, Morin CM

Insomnia is frequent in schizophrenia and associated with night eating and obesity.

Schizophrenia research

Palmese LB, DeGeorge PC, Ratliff JC, Srihari VH, Wexler BE, Krystal AD, Tek C

Efficacy and safety of doxepin 3 and 6 mg in a 35-day sleep laboratory trial in adults with chronic primary insomnia.


Krystal AD, Lankford A, Durrence HH, Ludington E, Jochelson P, Rogowski R, Roth T

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the superior frontal gyrus modulates craving for cigarettes.

Biological psychiatry

Rose JE, McClernon FJ, Froeliger B, Behm FM, Preud'homme X, Krystal AD

Testing the reliability and validity of DSM-IV-TR and ICSD-2 insomnia diagnoses. Results of a multitrait-multimethod analysis.

Archives of general psychiatry

Edinger JD, Wyatt JK, Stepanski EJ, Olsen MK, Stechuchak KM, Carney CE, Chiang A, Crisostomo MI, Lineberger MD, Means MK, Radtke RA, Wohlgemuth WK, Krystal AD

Should we be anxious when assessing anxiety using the Beck Anxiety Inventory in clinical insomnia patients?

Journal of psychiatric research

Carney CE, Moss TG, Harris AL, Edinger JD, Krystal AD

Pharmacological advances in the treatment of insomnia.

Current pharmaceutical design

Richey SM, Krystal AD

Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Drugs.

Sleep medicine clinics

Krystal AD

Sleep-wake functioning along the cancer continuum: focus group results from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS(®)).


Flynn KE, Shelby RA, Mitchell SA, Fawzy MR, Hardy NC, Husain AM, Keefe FJ, Krystal AD, Porter LS, Reeve BB, Weinfurt KP

British Association for Psychopharmacology consensus statement on evidence-based treatment of insomnia, parasomnias and circadian rhythm disorders.

Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)

Wilson SJ, Nutt DJ, Alford C, Argyropoulos SV, Baldwin DS, Bateson AN, Britton TC, Crowe C, Dijk DJ, Espie CA, Gringras P, Hajak G, Idzikowski C, Krystal AD, Nash JR, Selsick H, Sharpley AL, Wade AG

The effect of vestibular stimulation in a four-hour sleep phase advance model of transient insomnia.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Krystal AD, Zammit GK, Wyatt JK, Quan SF, Edinger JD, White DP, Chiacchierini RP, Malhotra A

Treatment of insomnia in depressed insomniacs: effects on health-related quality of life, objective and self-reported sleep, and depression.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

McCall WV, Blocker JN, D'Agostino R, Kimball J, Boggs N, Lasater B, Haskett R, Krystal A, McDonald WM, Rosenquist PB

Durability of clinical benefit with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the treatment of pharmacoresistant major depression: assessment of relapse during a 6-month, multisite, open-label study.

Brain stimulation

Janicak PG, Nahas Z, Lisanby SH, Solvason HB, Sampson SM, McDonald WM, Marangell LB, Rosenquist P, McCall WV, Kimball J, O'Reardon JP, Loo C, Husain MH, Krystal A, Gilmer W, Dowd SM, Demitrack MA, Schatzberg AF

Using difficulty resuming sleep to define nocturnal awakenings.

Sleep medicine

Ohayon MM, Krystal A, Roehrs TA, Roth T, Vitiello MV

The treatment of primary insomnia.

CNS spectrums

Krystal AD

The pharmacologic management of insomnia in patients with HIV.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Omonuwa TS, Goforth HW, Preud'homme X, Krystal AD

Modeling slow-wave activity dynamics: does an exponentially dampened periodic function really fit a single night of normal human sleep?

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Preud'homme XA, Lanquart JP, Krystal AD, Bogaerts P, Linkowski P

Assessing depression symptoms in those with insomnia: an examination of the beck depression inventory second edition (BDI-II).

Journal of psychiatric research

Carney CE, Ulmer C, Edinger JD, Krystal AD, Knauss F

Measuring sleep quality.

Sleep medicine

Krystal AD, Edinger JD

Daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the acute treatment of major depression: clinical predictors of outcome in a multisite, randomized controlled clinical trial.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Lisanby SH, Husain MM, Rosenquist PB, Maixner D, Gutierrez R, Krystal A, Gilmer W, Marangell LB, Aaronson S, Daskalakis ZJ, Canterbury R, Richelson E, Sackeim HA, George MS

Effects of antipsychotic medications on sleep in schizophrenia.

International clinical psychopharmacology

Krystal AD, Goforth HW, Roth T

Eszopiclone coadministered with escitalopram in patients with insomnia and comorbid generalized anxiety disorder.

Archives of general psychiatry

Pollack M, Kinrys G, Krystal A, McCall WV, Roth T, Schaefer K, Rubens R, Roach J, Huang H, Krishnan R

It is time to take a stand for medical research and against terrorism targeting medical scientists.

Biological psychiatry

Krystal JH, Carter CS, Geschwind D, Manji HK, March JS, Nestler EJ, Zubieta JK, Charney DS, Goldman D, Gur RE, Lieberman JA, Roy-Byrne P, Rubinow DR, Anderson SA, Barondes S, Berman KF, Blair J, Braff DL, Brown ES, Calabrese JR, Carlezon WA, Cook EH, Davidson RJ, Davis M, Desimone R, Drevets WC, Duman RS, Essock SM, Faraone SV, Freedman R, Friston KJ, Gelernter J, Geller B, Gill M, Gould E, Grace AA, Grillon C, Gueorguieva R, Hariri AR, Innis RB, Jones EG, Kleinman JE, Koob GF, Krystal AD, Leibenluft E, Levinson DF, Levitt PR, Lewis DA, Liberzon I, Lipska BK, Marder SR, Markou A, Mason GF, McDougle CJ, McEwen BS, McMahon FJ, Meaney MJ, Meltzer HY, Merikangas KR, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Mirnics K, Monteggia LM, Neumeister A, O'Brien CP, Owen MJ, Pine DS, Rapoport JL, Rauch SL, Robbins TW, Rosenbaum JF, Rosenberg DR, Ross CA, Rush AJ, Sackeim HA, Sanacora G, Schatzberg AF, Shaham Y, Siever LJ, Sunderland T, Tecott LH, Thase ME, Todd RD, Weissman MM, Yehuda R, Yoshikawa T, Young EA, McCandless R

Report of two cases where sleep related eating behavior occurred with the extended-release formulation but not the immediate-release formulation of a sedative-hypnotic agent.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Chiang A, Krystal A

Sleep disturbance in psychiatric disorders: effects on function and quality of life in mood disorders, alcoholism, and schizophrenia.

Annals of clinical psychiatry : official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists

Krystal AD, Thakur M, Roth T

Sleep quality varies as a function of 5-HTTLPR genotype and stress.

Psychosomatic medicine

Brummett BH, Krystal AD, Ashley-Koch A, Kuhn CM, Züchner S, Siegler IC, Barefoot JC, Ballard EL, Gwyther LP, Williams RB

Nightly treatment of primary insomnia with eszopiclone for six months: effect on sleep, quality of life, and work limitations.


Walsh JK, Krystal AD, Amato DA, Rubens R, Caron J, Wessel TC, Schaefer K, Roach J, Wallenstein G, Roth T

Long-term issues in the treatment of sleep disorders.

CNS spectrums

Roth T, Krystal AD, Lieberman JA

Associations of a regulatory polymorphism of monoamine oxidase-A gene promoter (MAOA-uVNTR) with symptoms of depression and sleep quality.

Psychosomatic medicine

Brummett BH, Krystal AD, Siegler IC, Kuhn C, Surwit RS, Züchner S, Ashley-Koch A, Barefoot JC, Williams RB

Psychotic disorder in a patient with central and extrapontine myelinolysis.

Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Lim L, Krystal A

Evaluation of eszopiclone discontinuation after cotherapy with fluoxetine for insomnia with coexisting depression.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Krystal A, Fava M, Rubens R, Wessel T, Caron J, Wilson P, Roth T, McCall WV

Treating the health, quality of life, and functional impairments in insomnia.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Krystal AD

Sleep and psychiatric disorders: future directions.

The Psychiatric clinics of North America

Krystal AD

Sleep and residual sedation after administration of zaleplon, zolpidem, and placebo during experimental middle-of-the-night awakening.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Zammit GK, Corser B, Doghramji K, Fry JM, James S, Krystal A, Mangano RM

A polysomnography study of eszopiclone in elderly patients with insomnia.

Current medical research and opinion

McCall WV, Erman M, Krystal AD, Rosenberg R, Scharf M, Zammit GK, Wessel T

Eszopiclone co-administered with fluoxetine in patients with insomnia coexisting with major depressive disorder.

Biological psychiatry

Fava M, McCall WV, Krystal A, Wessel T, Rubens R, Caron J, Amato D, Roth T

Tiagabine increases slow-wave sleep in a dose-dependent fashion without affecting traditional efficacy measures in adults with primary insomnia.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Walsh JK, Perlis M, Rosenthal M, Krystal A, Jiang J, Roth T

Behavioral insomnia therapy for fibromyalgia patients: a randomized clinical trial.

Archives of internal medicine

Edinger JD, Wohlgemuth WK, Krystal AD, Rice JR

A comparison of placebo and no-treatment during a hypnotic clinical trial.

International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics

Mccall WV, Perlis ML, Tu X, Groman AE, Krystal A, Walsh JK

Hypnotics should be considered for the initial treatment of chronic insomnia. Pro.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Wohlgemuth WK, Krystal AD

Long-term, non-nightly administration of zolpidem in the treatment of patients with primary insomnia.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Perlis ML, McCall WV, Krystal AD, Walsh JK

Depression and insomnia in women.

Clinical cornerstone

Krystal AD

Introduction: Definitions, measurements, and management in insomnia.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD, Roth T

Panel discussion: changing how we think about insomnia.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Ancoli-Israel S, Benca RM, Edinger JD, Krystal AD, Mendelson W, Moldofsky H, Petrie J, Roth T, Walsh JK, Winkelman J, Special Issues Board Panel Members

The changing perspective on chronic insomnia management.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD

Comparison of seizure duration, ictal EEG, and cognitive effects of ketamine and methohexital anesthesia with ECT.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Krystal AD, Weiner RD, Dean MD, Lindahl VH, Tramontozzi LA, Falcone G, Coffey CE

Insomnia in women.

Clinical cornerstone

Krystal AD

The use of valerian in neuropsychiatry.

CNS spectrums

Krystal AD, Ressler I

Treatment of the modal patient: does one size fit nearly all?

The journal of ECT

Sackeim HA, Devanand DP, Lisanby SH, Nobler MS, Prudic J, Heyer EJ, Ornstein E, Weiner RD, Krystal AD, Coffey CE, Greenberg RM, Husain M, Lite MS, Fernandez P, Gaines GY

ECT stimulus intensity: are present ECT devices too limited?

The American journal of psychiatry

Krystal AD, Dean MD, Weiner RD, Tramontozzi LA, Connor KM, Lindahl VH, Massie RW

EEG effects of ECT: implications for rTMS.

Depression and anxiety

Krystal AD, West M, Prado R, Greenside H, Zoldi S, Weiner RD

New methods of time series analysis of non-stationary EEG data: eigenstructure decompositions of time varying autoregressions.

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Krystal AD, Prado R, West M

Zolpidem for persistent insomnia in SSRI-treated depressed patients.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Asnis GM, Chakraburtty A, DuBoff EA, Krystal A, Londborg PD, Rosenberg R, Roth-Schechter B, Scharf MB, Walsh JK

Sleep in peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Sleep medicine reviews

Krystal AD, Edinger J, Wohlgemuth W, Marsh GR

Low-dimensional chaos in bipolar disorder?

Archives of general psychiatry

Krystal AD, Greenside HS

The use of flumazenil in the anxious and benzodiazepine-dependent ECT patient.

The journal of ECT

Krystal AD, Watts BV, Weiner RD, Moore S, Steffens DC, Lindahl V

Changes in seizure threshold over the course of electroconvulsive therapy affect therapeutic response and are detected by ictal EEG ratings.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Krystal AD, Coffey CE, Weiner RD, Holsinger T

The largest Lyapunov exponent of the EEG during ECT seizures as a measure of ECT seizure adequacy.

Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology

Krystal AD, Zaidman C, Greenside HS, Weiner RD, Coffey CE

Implementing a hospital-wide pain management strategy.

Canadian journal of nursing administration

Krystal A, Carr J, Gavaghan K, Porterfield P, Turner L

Neuropsychiatric considerations in the use of electroconvulsive therapy.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Krystal AD, Coffey CE

A comparison of EEG signal dynamics in waking, after anesthesia induction and during electroconvulsive therapy seizures.

Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology

Krystal AD, Greenside HS, Weiner RD, Gassert D

The empirical identification of insomnia subtypes: a cluster analytic approach.


Edinger JD, Fins AI, Goeke JM, McMillan DK, Gersh TL, Krystal AD, McCall WV

Effect of ECT treatment number on the ictal EEG.

Psychiatry research

Krystal AD, Weiner RD, Coffey CE, McCall WV

Cost effectiveness of maintenance ECT.

Convulsive therapy

Steffens DC, Krystal AD, Sibert TE, Moore SD, Weiner RD

Seizure threshold in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) II. The anticonvulsant effect of ECT.

Biological psychiatry

Coffey CE, Lucke J, Weiner RD, Krystal AD, Aque M

Seizure threshold in electroconvulsive therapy: I. Initial seizure threshold.

Biological psychiatry

Coffey CE, Lucke J, Weiner RD, Krystal AD, Aque M

Ambulatory cassette polysomnography: findings from a large cohort of drug-free insomnia patients.

Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society

Edinger JD, Erwin CW, Fins AI, Marsh GR, Krystal AD

The ictal EEG as a marker of adequate stimulus intensity with unilateral ECT.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Krystal AD, Weiner RD, Coffey CE

ECT seizure therapeutic adequacy.

Convulsive therapy

Krystal AD, Weiner RD

The present use of electroconvulsive therapy.

Annual review of medicine

Weiner RD, Krystal AD

Low-Frequency Ictal EEG Activity and ECT Therapeutic Impact.

Convulsive therapy

Krystal AD, Weiner RD

EEG evidence of more "intense" seizure activity with bilateral ECT.

Biological psychiatry

Krystal AD, Weiner RD, Coffey CE, Smith P, Arias R, Moffett E

Ambulatory polysomnography: technical aspects and normative values.

Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society

McCall WV, Erwin CW, Edinger JD, Krystal AD, Marsh GR

The electrophysiology of ECT: relevance to mechanism of action.

Clinical neuropharmacology

Weiner RD, Krystal AD, Coffey CE, Smith P

The monitoring and management of electrically induced seizures.

The Psychiatric clinics of North America

Weiner RD, Coffey CE, Krystal AD

Shared features of neuroleptic malignant syndrome and alcohol abuse complications.

The Journal of clinical psychiatry

Krystal AD, McEvoy JP

Differential diagnosis and pathophysiology of Cushing's syndrome and primary affective disorder.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Krystal A, Krishnan KR, Raitiere M, Poland R, Ritchie JC, Dunnick NR, Hanada K, Nemeroff CB